Last week I traveled to Chicago with Dear Son and Dear Ex for "Discover Loyola," a day and a half of instruction and training in how to be, respectively, a Loyola student and a Loyola parent. The information from the seminars was useful, the presentations often funny, but by far the best was watching all the other parents and children interact.
None of the kids had any interest in their parents. That's as it should be. The other parents had the same rueful reaction we did, and we shared a lot of laughs about our kids and our changing families. The families launching a second or third child into college were nonchalant, so I took my cues from them.
The weather was beautiful, and the campus, right on the shore of Lake Michigan, is lovely. The information commons (ranks of computers) is high tech; the librarians, housed in the library next door to the IC, are smart, kind, and funny.
I think this is going to work out just fine.
Here's a list of some books on The ABC's of Chicago: Architecture, Blues, Cubbies, and Crime --along with some Chicago fiction. (NOTE 7/8/08: somehow the contents of this list were deleted. :-( I will have to recreate it.)
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